Plugin Wordpress

LJ Custom Menu Links Release Version 2.5

LJ Custom Menu Links Version 2.5 has been released to the WordPress Plugin Directory.

This release bring further customisation ability for those who need it. You can now take full control of how you want Custom Menu Links to operate, fully automatic integration or manual integration (modifying your theme for LJ Custom Menu Links).


  • Fixed compatibility issues by adding the ability to disable the core wordpress override and manually add the LJ Custom Menu Links code to your theme

WordPress Plugin Directory: LJ Custom Menu Links

Plugin Wordpress

LJ Longtail SEO Release Version 1.7

LJ Longtail SEO Version 1.7 has been released to the WordPress Plugin Directory.


  • Bugfix: Cron function had a bug which lead the the cron tasks not being performed

WordPress Plugin Directory: LJ Longtail SEO


Email Subscriptions For Blogs

I have setup a FeedBurner account so that anyone may subscribe to email updates from my blog.

Subscribe for email updates from The Lazy Sys Admin here

This is something I have been thinking about recently, I was driven to actually set it up because of another project I am working on at the moment. There is a fairly simple set of instructions to use over at NetTuts – Build a ‘WordBurner’ Email Newsletter Manager using WordPress and FeedBurner. I skipped the steps about creating a single category as for what I need all posts would be candidates for emails.

Plugin Wordpress

LJ Custom Menu Links – Ver 1.1a

Another useful WordPress plugin roles off the production line. LJ Custom Menu Links allows you to add custom links to most WordPress themes. The best part is that it does it without requiring you to make any code changes to your theme.

The plugin has a admin configuration page that allows links to be added, edited, and deleted. Each link has properties that control if it will be displayed depending on user status, you can also control the target of the link.

Download LJ Custom Menu Links.

Plugin Wordpress

LJRandomOrRecent – Updated to Ver 0.3a

LJ Random or Recent plugin has had some extra functionality thrown in and has been tested and updated to work with WordPress 2.8.2.


  • Added ability to change Titles for Random or Recent Posts
  • Bugfixes
  • Tested to work with WP 2.8.2

Check it out LJ Random Or Recent